Looks like blogging is back on the menu boys!

My old friend and OG capital-B Barista, the incomparable Chris Tacy, recently dusted off his blog and I recently moved my domain to a new blogging thing, so I guess I ought to post something. My old blog is long gone having been subsumed by my previous startup Tonx Coffee which then got subsumed into some multinational juggernaut. Tears in rain and all that, but you can still dig up old posts on the internet archive if you want to be weird like that.

Last year, after too many years of psyching myself up for it, I attempted to launch a podcast. Like most podcasts it lasted exactly one episode—a delightful chat with my pal Andrew Barnett. A second episode talking to my dear friend Laura Perry of Vancouver’s Luna never made it across the finish line, grinding to a halt in edits from a combination of perfectionism, untreated ADHD, overwhelming imposter syndrome, and the unending demands of running an actual growing business. I overshot trying to speedrun audio and video editing myself and not having the budget to bring in someone to help with the heavy lifting. Oh, and someone threatened to sue me for using the phrase Over Coffee” in the name of the show if you can believe that bullshit. Not enough wind in my sails to deal with all of it.

And frankly I’m much more comfortable as a podcast guest (winging it) than a podcast host (being prepared, scheduling other people, marketing myself). If you have a podcast and want to talk coffee, please do reach out… I’ll be very accommodating!

There might be a do-over coming. I really enjoy shooting the shit with other coffee heads and if I could come up with a more constrained, more accommodating format and maybe a willing coconspirator, I would consider kicking off something much more casual.

So blogging. I guess I’ll do some more of it. Thanks for reading!

August 6, 2023